Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Harmony with your attacker

Here is one of the clip taken during Sensei Philip Lee visit Hibana Bushidoo, sensei is showing the students about harmony with your attacker. Is all about harmony together :)

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

The road is not easy :)

I chose a road that is not easy, which is been an Aikido instructor and open an own dojo, planning to be a full time instructor next time, just like my Sensei Philip Lee and my instructors and some of my martial art friends, but is part of our life, the path we chose and is happy with it :) here are some story for us to see hope this will motive us.

Aikido Pionner in Japan, and how O-sensei spread Aikido :)

Aikido Demo in JB

This is one of the demo we done in 2011 at southern college, by both Hibana Bushidoo and Senshi Aikido members and Instructors :)

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Once a month weapon class

It become a monthly practise that we'll have some weapons class during the last week of the months :) From the basic kata to unarm of weapons. Thou some are still new with weapons, but is always good for the students to have some hand on with it. :) So if students miss the class they'll have to wait for next month.