Thursday, 2 February 2012

Aikido for Health :)

Here is one of the article i saw my fb Aikido friend post in his group and i feel is good to share and hope after you read it. you'll feel "happy that i learn Aikido" or "I wanna take up Aikido" or " I wanna know what is Aikido"

“15 years to find the true meaning of the Grand Master’s Kuden”
by Saburo Takayasu

... Grand Master ( O-Sensei ) said as Kuden “ If you perfected 100% the techniques of “Suwariwaza Ikkyo to Gokkyo”, I will give you 3rd black belt.”
Late Saito sensei passed this kuden onto us when I was merely 3rd Kyu. I could not understand why O-Sensei said that because I understood that 3rd black belt was very high... level and the person graded to 3rd black belt was very capable martial artist, contrary to which it was seemed to me that the techniques of “Suwariwaza Ikkyo to Gokkyo” was very basic training syllabus and was not the practical techniques for the actual fight.

It took me 15 years to find the meaning of this Kuden and now I fully understand what O-Sensei meant and the importance of “Suwariwaza Ikkyo to Gokkyo” training. I will explain the meaning below.

In summary, if you train “Suwariwaza Ikkyo to Gokkyo” regurally, you will have much stronger joints and ligament system through out the body and you will increase your bone density, stronger bones, in order to be a true martial artist. And you will learn the important concept of Awase with the breath in Aikido. When you master 100% of the techniques of “Suwariwaza Ikkyo to Gokkyo”, your body is ready to be a true martial artist at the level of 3rd black belt.

One of our Japanese female student who was graded the first black belt at the age of 36 went back to Japan and tested her bone density at the medical clinic.
The doctor told her that her bone density was same as the bone density of 20 years old female Japanese, which meant that her bone system was 15 years younger than the average female Japanese. She reported me very happily that the medical certificate proved what I explained to my students at the class.
Please refer to the attached copy of her medical certificate.
The speed of sound travel through her bone is 1,585 M/S at the age of 36, which is higher than the highest range of 20 years old female Japanese ( the faster speed indicate higher bone density, stronger bones ).
The bone density is very important for the healthy body and to stay younger.