Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Aikido Shodan Grading 2016

After 6 years since the set up of Hibana Bushidoo, we finally manage to have our own Shodan train from white belt all the way to Shodan. Our first 5 Shodan, can't imagine how many hundreds to thousands of classes they have attended. It prove them worth it for the 1 hour 45 min grading, non-stop grading with only 5-10 min break in between.

Many technique was tested, including freestyle of all hand catch, all strike, all catch from behind, all seating and standing attack, all weapon unarmed, with 3 attacker non stop attacking. Follow up by 40 push-up, doing 30 ukemi, folding hakama in 3 min. The mental need to be strong, and 3 of them are not feeling well that day, due to their strong mental i can say we make it. The most interesting part is ki extension, unbent-able arm by 2 person, not to be lift up by 2 person.

My teacher always say Shodan is just the beginning of learning Aikido, hope they will remember it always. The road is very long ahead for us here.

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